Namaskar From Yogashray Sewayatan


Our quest to make aware about the Drug-Less treatment to manage ailments will continues!
In Naturopathy, a person becomes an active in treatments procedures by understanding their physical body functions and understand the natural way it helps in treating to their health issues.

Yogashray works on philosophy of Holistic heath that comes under alternative medicine. Nature, plays an important role in treating ailments like diet includes fruits, herbs, and vitamins, treatments like Detoxification etc. In this month’s issue, of The Natural Pathway how Migraine can be managed by Naturopathy treatments as Migraine are painful, Debilitating headaches that can cause throbbing or pulsating pain sensation, usually on one side of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting & extreme sensitivity to light & sound.

Naturopathy Treatments

Shatkarma Kriyas: Practice of Kunjal is advantageous in Migraine.

Hydrotherapy Treatments:
  • Spine & Shoulder Therapy
  • Cold Hip Bath

Dietetic & Lifestyle Measures

By Dr. Nandini Bharadwaj
Consultant (Diet & Lifestyle)

  • Drinking a glass of water with Honey
  • Fresh fruit and their juices like Apples,  Coconut, Guava, Kiwi, Lychees, Mango, Pears,  Pomegranate 
  • Avoid Tomatoes, Sour buttermilk and oily Food

Yoga Chikitsa As a Therapy

Practicing Yoga daily can help you to avoid migraine attack. Under the supervision of yoga therapist practise of following asana is considered useful in Migraine- Child Pose, Suryanamaskar, Paschimottanasana Tadasana, Bhujangasana.

Mudra Pranayam

Pranayam affects on autonomic nervous system arbitrated through the neural system and central nervous system. Mudra Panayama improve the physical, mental and spiritual health. Mudra Pranayama are inexpensive coque telephone personnaliséphone cases kmartare elf bars in canadaelf bar bc5000 australiawasserdichte handyhüllecell phone casesclear phone cases, non pharmacological techniques without any side effects. Patient can do it easily at any stage of life, with training. Mudras have their origin from over thousands of years old Indian tradition of yoga.

Please write back to us on for any feedback, queries.

Editorial Board :- Yogacharya Smt. Sunita Sharma, Dr. Nandini Bharadwaj, Dr. Trilok Sharma, Naturocure & Yoga expert Poonam Sharma